Tapojärvi Ltd | Mari Pilventö, Acting CEO
Tapojärvi is a Lapland-based mining company with a growth story being carried out in the third generation. The story dates back to 1955 when the company’s founder Esko Tapojärvi from Tornio bought a Pobeda car and began offering taxi services.
Tapojärvi, which now employs approximately 600 employees, is known as a mining service company specialising in the circular economy and the effective and environmentally friendly use of byproducts from industrial processes.
Industry, mining operations
Training occupational safety on a digital training platform
Safety is an area of mining that cannot be overlooked at any stage. Training plays a crucial part in ensuring safety. Tapojärvi’s employees can now train and check safety-related matters easily from their own phones, for example.
Mining always involves serious safety risks. Risks related to accidents are caused by traffic, mining blasting, cave-ins and possible emissions from concentration plants, to name a few.
No wonder, then, that the industry is a highly regulated one and security must be considered at all stages from the design of new production areas to the final product.
Tapojärvi places emphasis on preventive safety management. The company’s occupational safety system is based on the ISO 45011 standard.
- Safety is based on an introductory training, systematic preventive actions and adherence to guidelines, says Tapojärvi’s Acting CEO Mari Pilventö.
We have a mandatory training session for all new employees and employees moving to new sites. Current employees also re-take the training every two years.
The introductory and safety training was modified, so that employees can access it more easily and flexibly with the help of the e-learning training solution. The new Pinja online training environment was built together with Mediamaisteri.
- Each employee who joins us can now complete the training online, even before joining. This saves trainers and managers time, as new employees already have some basic information before the actual on-site training, Pilventö says.
It was crucial that the creation process for the online training environment would consider intuitive access on mobile devices.
It is important that the training material is accessible wherever, whenever. Now any employee can use their phone to check how safety-related matters work on a particular site.
- It was also important to recognise that there might not be internet access below ground.
Tapojärvi’s online training environment, along with introductory trainings, is available in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and Italian. In addition to the online training environment, Mediamaisteri executed and designed the contents of the trainings together with Tapojärvi’s own trainers. Mari Pilventö is very pleased with both the collaboration with Mediamaisteri and the implementation of the brand-new training environment.
Our system is user-friendly, clear and self-explanatory. Those were the key factors for us. The visual look is also in line with the company policy, she states.
As a partner of Mediamaisteri, you have access to top online training experts providing online pedagogics, learning technology and content creation services. We not only build online training platforms, we support and guide in their deployment, implementation and continuous use, ensuring that your organisation can get the desired results.
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